Accelsiors at AAIC23

August 1, 2023


Accelsiors’ team attended the #AAIC2023!

The latest evolution and clinical research results were published at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Amsterdam.
Our team was there, strengthening connections with scientists and clients, with a strong belief for a bright future of Alzheimer’s clinical research.


After-conference conclusions

Many promising findings for the Alzheimer treatment were presented during AAIC: from Aβ deposits and Tau neuro-fibrillary tangles targeting antibodies to BACE inhibitors and modulators of the immune system, oxidative stress and insulin resistance.

An ever growing depository of therapeutic interventions is becoming available. Many exciting advancements towards robust biomarkers (plasma, CSF, imaging and cognitive or combinations of it) to better define the disease stage and select the most appropriate therapeutic approach!

The conference highlights can be found at AAIC2023 Highlights.

Visit our Neurology page to learn about our expertise in Nervous System Disorders.

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