Expertise Therapeutic Areas
Accelsiors prides itself on being among the endocrinology leaders and specialists in hypothalamo-pituitary Disorders.
Clinical chemistry, molecular biology, and information technology advances have significantly changed endocrinology. A better understanding of molecular biology, consumer expectations, and the globalization of health is already influencing the future practice of endocrinology. Pharmacotherapy, especially replacement therapies, is still the backbone of endocrine treatment. However, new developments in drug delivery technology, pharmacogenomics, combinatorial chemistry, and paracrinology are rapidly progressing. The endocrine-related consequences of obesity and aging are already significant health problems, demanding an increase in anti-obesity and anti-aging treatments. There will be increased blurring between endocrine disease and non-disease. The future clinical endocrinologist must continue to practice evidence-based medicine to improve the treatment of genuine endocrinopathies.
Accelsiors is among the world leaders in the field of hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, and we are or have been involved in most of the long-acting rhGH, numerous acromegaly development programs, and many other clinical studies in the endocrine area worldwide.
We are masters in neuroendocrinology targeting among other disorders:
We have an established and trusted relationship with key recruiting sites globally – this extends to key opinion leaders on a global scale.
For years, Accelsiors has significantly contributed to the marketing authorization of several products to treat endocrine disorders and the successful out-licensing of ongoing development programs. Accelsiors has conducted numerous phase I (first in human) to phase III registration trials in adult and pediatric patients. We understand the status of competitive recruitment, the main success drivers, and the most significant drawbacks of patient recruitment.
Considering these indications’ high screening failure rates, Accelsiors medical monitors have assessed and interpreted thousands of laboratories (both baseline and dynamic tests) and clinical results in different hypothalamic-pituitary disorders. Hence, we know all the pitfalls in diagnosing pediatric and adult patients, and we can ensure the best screening and effective ways of patient recruitment in this challenging therapeutic area.